How much better is the baby's barefoot? With the exception of these five situations! You have to wear socks!
How much better is the baby's barefoot? With the exception of these five situations! You have to wear socks!
You need to be careful whether you want to go barefoot or not.

barefoot VS socks, which is more suitable for children?\" data-type=\ "jpeg\" 1080\ "style=\" width: 100% height: auto;\ ">

pay attention to socks for children! When do you wear it day and night?

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Guide to wearing socks at home during the day\" style=\ "display: block;box-sizing: border-box! important;overflow-wrap: break-word! important;width: auto! important;visibility: visible! important;\">

Guide for children to wear socks at night

choose socks for the baby, and remember this picture

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